Fruitless Religion

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In Mark 11, we see Jesus' actions during his final week in Jerusalem, leading up to the crucifixion. The narrative begins with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling Messianic prophecy and being celebrated as king. This event, known as Palm Sunday, sets the stage for a week that profoundly impacts Christian faith. In the next day's events, Jesus curses a fruitless fig tree and cleanses the temple of money changers and merchants. These acts symbolize Jesus' condemnation of superficial and fruitless religious practices. The fig tree, bearing leaves but no fruit, serves as a metaphor for the spiritual barrenness of Israel's religious leaders, who prioritized ritualistic practices over genuine faith and relationship with God.

I urge you to reflect on your own faith. I challenge you to consider whether your lives draw people towards Jesus or push them away, highlighting the importance of living authentically and not just going through the motions. I emphasize the shift from the Old Covenant's sacrificial system to the New Covenant, where salvation is not obtained through works but through faith in Jesus Christ.


THE Authority


The King Has Come!