Render What’s Due

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In this sermon, we delve into the teachings of Jesus, focusing on the critical moment when He was challenged by the religious leaders with the question of paying taxes to Caesar. This question, laden with political and religious undertones, was a trap meant to discredit Jesus in the eyes of His followers or the Roman authorities. However, Jesus' response, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's," not only showcases His wisdom but also sets a profound foundation for how we, as His followers, are to navigate our duties to earthly authorities and our supreme allegiance to God. This teaching emphasizes the balance between respecting human institutions established by God and prioritizing our obedience to God's commandments, especially the greatest ones: to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

As Christians, our interaction with the world, including our obedience to governmental authorities, is a testament to our faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, we are reminded that our ultimate allegiance lies with God, and there may be times when we must choose to obey God over human laws, particularly when those laws contradict God's commands. This sermon calls us to a life of honoring all people, loving the brotherhood of believers, fearing God, and respecting our earthly leaders, all while navigating the delicate balance between our earthly citizenship and our heavenly allegiance. It's a call to action, urging us to not remain static in our spiritual journey but to take steps of faith that align with following God, demonstrating His righteousness, and drawing others into His saving grace.


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