The Death of God Pt. 2

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At a time when our Lord was illegally arrested and tried, Peter faced his own test of faith. Despite walking on water, witnessing miracles, and declaring Jesus as the Messiah, Peter crumbled under the pressure of a servant's questioning. This denial is a stark reminder of how we, too, can falter in our faith, often in subtle, everyday ways. When the world challenges us, will we stand firm or will we, like Peter, deny our relationship with Christ?

Yet, Peter's story does not end in despair. After his denial and desertion, he experiences the profound grace of restoration through Jesus. This restoration is available to all of us. No matter how far we've strayed, Jesus is always ready to forgive and restore us. Today's message calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ wholeheartedly. Let us embrace the forgiveness and empowerment offered through the Holy Spirit, knowing that God can use our lives for magnificent purposes despite our past failures.


The Death of God Pt. 3


The Death of God Pt. 1