The Death and Burial of Jesus

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Today, we reflect on the profound events of Good Friday, as recorded in Mark 15 and Luke 23. Jesus, though innocent, was betrayed, denied, mocked, and crucified. Despite enduring unimaginable suffering, He exhibited grace and fulfilled the Father's plan to take on the sins of the world. In His final moments, Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" and then, with a loud cry of victory, declared, "It is finished." The veil of the temple was torn, symbolizing the end of the separation between God and humanity.

We see unexpected witnesses to these events: a repentant criminal and a Roman centurion who recognized Jesus as the Son of God. Faithful women, who followed Jesus, witnessed His burial by Joseph of Arimathea. This narrative shows that no one is beyond redemption. Jesus’ sacrificial death opens the way to eternal life, inviting us all to turn to Him, confess our sins, and embrace the grace He offers. Remember, the veil is torn, and we are welcomed into God's presence.


The Resurrection of God


The Crucifixion of Jesus