Weekly Update | December 24th

Hope Arrives!

Why can we sing "Joy to the World?" Because the Lord has come, and not only that, but He came to seek and to save the lost; that's you, and that's me! This Christmas, remember why we can celebrate so fervently the birth of our Savior. Jesus Christ, God incarnate, came into the world as a human, fully God and fully man. He came to ultimately die on the cross, paying the price for our sins once and for all. But that's not the end of the story - He rose three days later, conquering death! THAT is why we can say with a shout: Merry Christmas!

God Bless,
Pastor Brandon

P.S. Make sure you join us tonight at 7PM for our Christmas Eve Celebration!

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Setlist:

  • Glorious Day

  • 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)

  • His Mercy Is More

  • Holy Forever

  • Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound

NO Midweek Service:
Merry Christmas!

NO Sunday Evening Service this week

Bible Study & Current Events

See our schedule of events here: https://fsbckw.org/calendar


Weekly Update | December 31st


Weekly Update | December 17th