Weekly Update | October 6th, 2020

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  I hope you were able to join us on Sunday night. We had the pleasure of hosting The Garduce family. They are missionaries with our International Mission Board who serve in Madagascar. We learned many things about serving there from the missionaries. Their two sons, Titus and Noah, shared several hilarious stories about life in Madagascar. Anna helped us understand how the Malagasy people are eager to hear the gospel and are responding to it in large numbers. Chris challenged us to consider taking a step of faith to serve the Lord. The night was full of worship, prayer, laughter, and even some tears.

After hearing from the Garduce’s, the Lord compelled me to take action in three ways. I would like you to pray about joining me in this 3-part action plan.

First, let’s commit to pray for them and to support them as the Lord leads in the future. Our church is generous with our giving to the IMB. We give 8% of our tithes and offerings to the Cooperative Program (click here to learn more about it). A part of that goes toward international missions. We also contribute to the Lottie Moon Missions Offering (click here to learn more about it) and all of that offering does toward international missions. While the Garduce’s are fully funded by the IMB, perhaps we can be a church who stands in the gap for them and provides for special needs they have while serving overseas? Let’s just pray about that for now and see where the Lord leads.

Second, let’s commit to join them on mission when the Lord opens that door in the future. Right now, it’s probably not feasible for us to plan an international mission trip to Madagascar. One day (hopefully soon!) the COVID crisis will be over and we will have an opportunity to go and serve with them on the mission field. Will you pray about going on a short-term mission trip to Madagascar?

Third, let’s commit to go across the street and to be missionaries right here in the Keys. I am sure you have lost family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends for whom you can pray and with whom you can share the gospel. Will you pray about sharing the gospel with them?

In His Service,


Weekly Update | July 4th, 2023


Weekly Update | September 29th, 2020