Things to Come Pt. 2

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In Mark Chapter 13, Jesus unveils the events that signal the approach of the end times and His glorious return. This passage, known as the Olivet Discourse, outlines a series of profound events — from the destruction of the temple, the rise of false prophets, to wars, natural disasters, and unparalleled persecution against believers. These are not mere historical predictions but are signs given to us, to be watchful and prepared for what lies ahead. As we unpack these verses, we're reminded of the urgency and the sobering reality of Jesus' imminent return, compelling us to live lives that reflect our readiness to meet our Lord.

Our journey through this scripture is not to incite fear but to inspire a steadfast faith and a life of vigilance. Jesus' words are clear: despite the chaos and the challenges that will mark the last days, there is hope and assurance for those who remain faithful. The call to action is clear — to walk closely with the Lord, stay committed to our mission of spreading the Gospel, and live every moment in anticipation of Jesus' return. This sermon is an invitation to scrutinize our lives and align our actions with the truth of God's Word, ensuring that when the trumpet sounds, we're among those who rise to meet Christ in the air, ready to enter into eternal joy and peace with Him.


Things to Come Pt. 3


The Resurrection is Everything