Upside Down

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In Mark chapter 10, Jesus predicts his death and resurrection for the third time to his disciples. However, they still do not understand and remain focused on their own status and glory. Jesus reminds them that the path to greatness in God's kingdom is through humility and service, not self-promotion. He models this by giving his life as a "ransom for many." The disciples, including James and John, struggle with selfish ambition as they seek positions of glory for themselves. This is the way of the world but not of God's kingdom. Jesus patiently corrects them and explains that true greatness comes through serving others, not by ruling over them. Just as the Son of Man came to serve and sacrifice, not to be served, believers are called to have the mindset of Christ. We are to humbly consider others above ourselves rather than seek selfish ambition. When we serve others as Jesus served, we will share in his glory. The passage emphasizes the upside-down values of God's kingdom that reject worldly measures of greatness and embrace the way of humility modeled by Jesus Christ.


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