Advent Stories: The Son

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The story of the shepherds and the Magi reminds us of the miraculous signs surrounding Jesus' birth. As Christmas Eve approaches, we find ourselves contemplating the quiet, yet monumental moment just before Jesus' birth. Mary, carrying the weight of a divine promise, and Joseph, a nervous father-to-be, yet aware of the extraordinary nature of his son, are at the heart of this narrative. Their anticipation is a reflection of our own as we await the celebration of Jesus’ birth, with the angel Gabriel's words to Mary echoing the profound significance of this event.

The concept of the Incarnation, God becoming man in Jesus, is pivotal. Jesus, both fully divine and human, lived among us, sharing in our experiences yet without sin. His birth in a manger symbolizes not just the arrival of a savior but the presence of God in human form. Through Jesus, we receive 'grace upon grace', a relationship with God made possible by His human experience and divine nature. Jesus's life, teachings, and sacrifice on the cross are not just historical events but are the fulfillment of God's promise for redemption. As we celebrate Christmas, we're invited to ponder these truths, recognizing in the baby in the manger the profound mystery of God's love and grace manifested in Jesus Christ.


Christmas Eve Celebration


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