COVID-19 Exposure Event

Hello Church Family, 

It has come to our attention that someone attending the Sunday morning worship service on Sunday, July 12 tested positive for COVID-19. We have protocol from local, state, and national agencies for a circumstance such as this one and will take the following steps: 

  1. We are alerting the congregation so everyone is informed about the situation.

  2. We are closing the church office, foyer, and sanctuary from July 13-17 as a precaution to sanitize these spaces. Consequently, our Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study service will be online only. We plan to re-gather on Sunday, July 19th for our weekly Sunday morning worship service at 11 am. If you would like to contact the church office this week, please call us at 305-294-2255 and leave a voicemail or email us at

  3. We will continue to observe proper social distancing guidelines and require attenders to wear masks while attending church services.

  4. We also want to reiterate that those who feel ill or are awaiting the results of a COVID- 19 test due to exposure or potential illness should stay home and join our worship services via Facebook and YouTube Live. 

We encourage you to read the following guidelines published by the Florida Health Department, which describe steps a person should take if exposed to COVID-19:

Let us also commit to praying for those sick with COVID-19 and for the Lord to protect those who have been exposed to it. Ephesians 6:18 says, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,” 

In His Service, 

Fifth Street Baptist Church 


Weekly Update | July 14th


Weekly Update | July 7th