Weekly Update | July 7th
The Pandemic: An Opportunity for Fifth Street
Part II
This is the second part of my three-part article describing how God can use our church during the second wave of this pandemic. My article is inspired by an insightful piece by Caleb Morell, a staff member of Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C., that discussed the way churches there ministered during the second wave of the Spanish Flu (1918). His article answered the question: “What did DC churches do when the Spanish Flu struck again?” Morell makes several important points that I think are applicable to our ministry at Fifth Street during this second wave of cases.
Last week, I discussed the ways that churches responded to the Spanish Flu in 1918 and then described how our church may respond in ways that glorify God (click here to read last week’s article). This week, I discuss the way that people in the church are impacted by the pandemic.
Morell reports the devastating effects of the Spanish Flu on church congregations writing, “Did church members die of the Spanish Flu? Of course they did. Calvary Baptist Church mourned the loss of Mary Winifred Glascock who not only served as a faithful member of the church but also worked as superintendent of the George Washington University Hospital. She succumbed to the influenza even ‘while ministering day and night to the physical and spiritual needs of the sick and dying.’ Fifth Baptist Church reported 26 deaths in 1918—the largest number in its history—many of them due to influenza. Second Baptist Church lost several members, including two sisters who died three days apart. Temple Baptist Church lost 15 members, many in rapid succession, such as Harry A. Sullivan on October 1, and Helen Kirby and Everett Gottlieb on October 6. However, closest to home was the death of pastor J. J. Muir’s firstborn son, Edward; he died on October 12. He served as a church trustee and superintendent of the Bible School. He was remembered with the words: ‘Never was there a truer son, a more devoted husband and father.’”
When a second wave of the Spanish Flu infiltrated D.C. in December, city and church officials had to re-evaluate the closing of businesses, schools, and public gathering places. Thankfully, however, the second wave of influenza was short-lived and they did not have to issue the closure orders.
A preview of today’s newspaper uncovers similar concerns in Key West.
In the midst of this second wave of Coronavirus, we are concerned about how our children will receive their education in the fall, whether this next wave of illnesses will force us to close businesses, or re-open the checkpoint.
These are real concerns and they impact the lives of Keys people. They impact the lives of our church. We have children who need to be educated. We work at businesses or own businesses affected by closure. We have vulnerable friends and family members who could get very sick if infected with COVID-19.
Those facts beg the question…
The Bible has something to say about our role during a time such as this one. Let’s minister to our friends, families, and neighbors in three ways during the second wave of COVID-19.
1) A quick search on internet news sites does not provide us with much encouragement. Don’t hear what I am not saying. We should always be aware of the state of affairs in our community, but our role as Christians in the midst of difficult times is one of encouragement and truth-telling. Think about it. If someone were only exposed to the popular headlines on social media and news sites, then what kind of encouragement would they receive? There is a noticeable void of encouragers in our culture. We are born-again believers, who have been rescued from sin, Satan, and Hell. We have the joy of the Lord. We should share that joy in times of crisis.
2) A second trend I’ve noticed during this pandemic is a tendency for people to make conclusions and vocalize their feelings about issues without allowing time for prayer and seeking wise counsel from trusted believers. We should not be “like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6b). We are sons and daughters of the King and when we speak our words should be trustworthy and honorable. Thus, there is a ministry opportunity for us to listen to others, to bear their burdens, and to provide wise counsel based on the Word of God. You all know there is a drought of wisdom in our culture today. While we are tempted to jump into the fray on social media, among friend groups, or at the local coffee shop and to let the world know our opinions, let’s listen more than we speak and perhaps God will use us as wise counselors for those in need of His truth.
3) By now, we all know individuals who have been impacted in some way by the pandemic. My own grandmother, who lives in an Iowa nursing home, has COVID-19 (praise the Lord she’s recovering). Some of you have lost jobs. Other’s must remain at home and away from children or grandchildren for your own protection. Government and health officials provide us with the necessary information to stay healthy and provide treatment for those who get sick. They also created financial support for those negatively impacted by the pandemic. There is an obvious void, however, in popular culture’s spiritual response to the pandemic. That makes sense because Christians are tasked by the Lord to provide a spiritual response to it. How should we respond? We should pray. We should pray for our government, healthcare providers, the sick and their families. We should pray for the vulnerable population. We should pray for the Lord to use this time for the salvation of many souls and that He would receive glory through it.
The Lord has a special plan for you during this time. It is my prayer that we would be known for three things during this pandemic…
In His Service,