The Exalted Christ

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In this message from Colossians 1, we dive deep into the supremacy of Jesus Christ as both the Lord of creation and the Lord of the new creation. Paul reminds us that Jesus is not only the image of the invisible God but also the one through whom and for whom all things were created. He is preeminent over all creation, sustaining the universe by His power. But even more profound, He is the head of the church, the new creation, having reconciled us to God through His death and resurrection.

As believers, we are no longer under the domain of darkness but have been transferred into the kingdom of God's beloved Son. This calls us to live lives of praise, fully recognizing that Jesus is Lord over every aspect of our lives. We must continually ask ourselves if we are living lives that truly reflect His lordship, obeying His Word, praising Him, and worshiping Him alone. Today, let us recommit ourselves to following Jesus, embracing His grace, and giving Him the rightful place as Lord over all.


The Great Mystery Revealed


Thanks Be to God!