The Great Mystery Revealed

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In Colossians chapter one, the Apostle Paul reveals the great mystery of the gospel: that Christ's salvation is for all people, Jew and Gentile alike. As believers, we are called to pursue Jesus with everything we have, knowing that true ministry comes with sacrifice and suffering. But through that suffering, God grows our faith and produces incredible fruit in our lives. Just as Paul endured hardship for the sake of the church, we too are called to endure, trusting that God will use it for His glory and our good.

Suffering for Christ is part of what it means to follow Him. It's through these trials that our faith is refined, and it becomes a witness to the world of the power of salvation. As we walk through persecution and difficulty, we must cling to the Lord, allowing Him to shape us into the image of Christ. Today, let’s commit to following Jesus, ready to embrace both the sacrifice and the joy that comes from walking with Him.


The Great Mystery Revealed Pt.2


The Exalted Christ