The Great Mystery Revealed Pt.2

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In Colossians 2, we are reminded that in Christ alone, we find everything we need for salvation. Just like water is essential for life, Jesus is the pure, unchanging source of eternal life. The world might try to add things—good works, philosophies, or other beliefs—just as we might add sugar or carbonation to water, turning it into something else entirely. But salvation is found in Jesus plus nothing. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, His resurrection, and His promise to return are all we need to be reconciled with God.

As believers, we are knit together in love, encouraged and strengthened in our faith as one body, called to stay grounded in the truth of Christ. Just as Paul encouraged the Colossian church, we must remain firm, rejecting the false teachings of the world that seek to diminish Jesus' sufficiency. Together, as one church, we stand on the truth that Jesus is enough. He is the way, the truth, and the life—and no one comes to the Father except through Him.


The Colossian Error Pt.1


The Great Mystery Revealed