The Colossian Error Pt.1

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In Colossians 2, Paul warns believers of the dangers that seek to pull us away from Christ. Just like how stores are designed to guide our movements and influence our choices, there are spiritual forces and worldly philosophies that try to draw our attention away from our faith. But we are called to stay rooted in Christ, much like a tree with deep roots that draws life-giving water. To walk with Christ means to be firmly grounded in Him, built up in His truth, and established in our faith so that we won't be swayed by the distractions and deceptions of the world.

As believers, we must ask ourselves: Are we being influenced by worldly traditions, or are we living according to the truth of Christ? It’s easy to be drawn away by things that seem good but are ultimately fake imitations of what God offers. Today, let us renew our commitment to Christ, remove anything that hinders our faith, and restore our relationship with Him. We must stand firm in the truth of Jesus, remembering that He is the only way to salvation, and let our lives overflow with gratitude for all He has done for us.


The Colossian Error Pt.2


The Great Mystery Revealed Pt.2