The Colossian Error Pt.2

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In Colossians 2, the apostle Paul warns the church in Colossae, and us today, to beware of three dangers: legalism, false worship, and man-made teachings. These new believers in Christ were facing immense pressure from outside forces—Roman culture demanding the worship of false gods, Jewish leaders rejecting Christ as the Messiah, and even false teachers within the church adding burdens to their faith. Paul’s message is clear: salvation is through Christ alone. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is complete; we don’t need to add anything to it. Jesus plus nothing equals salvation.

Paul reminds us that we must hold fast to Christ, the true head of the Church, and not be swayed by the teachings of men or practices that lead us away from the simplicity of the gospel. Legalism, false worship, and man-made systems might look wise, but they are of no value in bringing us closer to God. Christ’s death and resurrection have won the victory, and our faith in Him alone secures our salvation. So, church, hold fast to the Lord, resist the pressures of this world, and stay rooted in Christ alone for your salvation!


The Colossian Error Pt.1