All Things are Possible

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In Mark 9, Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy after his disciples had tried and failed to drive out the demon. Jesus rebukes the unbelieving crowd and reminds them that all things are possible for the one who has faith. Even though our faith is often weak, Jesus calls us to ask him for more faith and he will provide it. The disciples tried to heal the boy on their own but were unsuccessful. Jesus tells them that they need prayer to strengthen their faith in order to be used by God for miracles. A key message is that no one is outside of God's grace and mercy to forgive and heal our brokenness, if we turn to Jesus in faith. We often try to fix our problems ourselves rather than bringing them to Christ. But God wants to use even children to do amazing things when they place their faith in him, because nothing is impossible for the one who believes. Our role is to point people to experience Jesus, not ourselves. The passage challenges us to grow in faith through prayer so that God can work powerfully in and through us.


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